Is It Time To Call a Cleaning Service?

To call or not to call, that is the question.

Cleaning services aren’t just for the rich and famous. From nationally recognized leaders to local businesses, a cleaning service may be just what you need to get your home spick and span. With a high degree of customization, most cleaning services offer flexibility on timing (from once a month, to a few times a week), size (everything from the largest homes to the smallest apartments) and focus (from just one room, to the whole shebang).

Is a cleaning service right for you, and when does it make the most sense? Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of hiring cleaning services so you don’t have to get into the nitty-gritty of your home.

Should I hire a cleaning service?

Determining if a cleaning service is right for you can be tricky. Consider the following questions.

What is my time worth?

Time is money. As you begin to crunch the numbers on a cleaning service, determine how much your time is worth, and compare it to the price of the cleaning service you’re considering.

Of course, the final cost of a cleaning service will be highly influenced by a number of factors — size of the space being cleaned, frequency of cleanings, and if it requires more than one cleaning technician. The national average for a cleaning service is somewhere between $40-$60 per hour, per cleaner. How does that compare to your hourly rate at work?

If you are earning $75 an hour at your job, it could be a better use of your time to work and let a highly trained cleaning technician take care of your home. On the flip side, if your job pays $20 an hour, it might make more financial sense for you to clean your own space.

Can my budget handle it?

Even if your hourly rate of pay makes a cleaning service feasible, you need to consider the other things in your monthly budget. If you find yourself routinely stretched at the end of each pay period, it might not make financial sense to hire a cleaning service.

On the other hand, if you’re able to meet all your needs, and have some cash left over, outsourcing cleaning to a professional (especially if you hate it) might be a great way to spend those extra dollars.

If a cleaning service seems feasible financially, contact a few and get cost estimates for their services. Punch it into your budget and see if it works.

Am I overly busy or in a stressful season of life?

If the numbers check out, a cleaning service could be a great way to buy back some of your precious time. If you are extremely busy or in a stressful season of life (traveling a lot for work, in-between homes because of a move, or welcoming a new baby, for example) a cleaning service might just be a breath of fresh air.

Allowing someone else to handle the cleaning chores not only takes a major to-do off your list, but it can provide breathing room that helps lower stress levels, improves relational tension, and gives you the gift of down time. (Need those speed cleaning hacks now? We‘ve got you covered there, too.)

Am I somewhat tidy?

It might seem silly, but for you to get the most out of a cleaning service, you’ll need to meet a minimum threshold of tidiness within your living space. A home that hasn’t seen a cleaning rag or toilet brush in months means more time, and effort, from the cleaning technicians—which translates to a higher price point for you. Even the smallest apartment, if neglected long enough, can take hours to get back into shape.

But if you maintain a level of tidiness in your home (i.e. you take out the trash, get your clothes in a hamper, and pick up after yourself) a cleaning service could quickly handle the mundane jobs you aren’t interested in.

Do I hate cleaning?

The answer might not be as obvious as you think. While some people despise cleaning, for others, it can be a therapeutic way to de-stress, process emotions, or exert some positive control over life. If you’d rather have a root canal than clean the toilet, then a cleaning service might be right for you.

When and what to outsource to a cleaning service

Even if a cleaning service isn’t something you decide to engage regularly, there are times when outsourcing your cleaning can be incredibly helpful. Consider a one-time cleaning:

  • Before big events or visits. Have a wedding coming up? Meeting your partner’s parents for the first time? Hosting an important dinner party for your boss and colleagues? Before a big event or visit, a cleaning service can make sure your home shines without you having to carry any of the stress.
  • When traveling. After the fun of traveling, the return-home-blues can be real. Hire a cleaning service to give your home a fresh shine and smell while you’re away, and even coming back to familiar territory can be an adventure.
  • When you need it. You don’t have to be able to handle everything life throws at you AND keep a clean house. Take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. And if you need an extra cleaning hand during pregnancy, or the month your partner is traveling for work, or when an elderly family member is in the hospital, then take it.

Remember, cleaning services are highly customizable — so what you outsource can be just as important as if you outsource. When considering a cleaning service, you may choose to have them focus on:

  • High-use areas. The places where you spend the most time will naturally need the most attention. Opt for a cleaning service to handle the kitchen, bathroom, and entry… and you can tidy the home office when you get to it.
  • The ground floor. If your home has more than one story, you may decide to have a cleaning service focus on just the ground floor. This floor tends to contain all formal entertaining areas, as well as the kitchen, dining room, and a bathroom. Close the doors upstairs or downstairs, and soak in the clean glory of the main floor.
  • Only spaces you use. You may have a dining room, but find yourself routinely eating on the couch. When the cleaning service comes, have them skip the rooms that don’t get used and focus on the rooms that do. This ensures you get the most bang for your buck and can actually enjoy the efforts of the technicians that clean your home.

Different kinds of cleaning services

A clean home means something different to everyone. Take your sparkling home to the next level by integrating these other types of cleaning services into your routine. As you shop around for a cleaning service, be sure to ask if they provide any of the following options:

  • Windows and gutters. For those of us who hate heights (or don’t own a ladder), this is a service well worth paying for.
  • Laundry services. Getting help to dig out from under that mountain of dirty clothes can be a lifesaver.
  • Carpet and rug. They’re comfortable, but can trap an incredible amount of dust and debris.
  • Outside living spaces. The back deck or patio is just an outside living room. It needs attention too.
  • Pool. If you know, then you know.
  • Car. Mobile car detailing and washing means your car can shine, even while you relax at home.

National cleaning service options

Decided you’re ready to jump in? As you start your search for a cleaning service, these national brands are worth a look. But don’t forget to also investigate local options in your area, which tend to be more budget-friendly (and oftentimes, more flexible).

  1. The Maids. Not only are The Maids an effective and efficient national cleaning service, they offer extras services many people would gladly opt-in for: windows, inside the refrigerator and oven, outside living spaces, and carpet.
  2. Tidy. National cleaning service available in most major cities, funneling scheduling and communication through an easy-to-use app. You make the cleaning checklist, they do the rest.
  3. MaidPro. For the budget conscious, MaidPro offers a complete clean, with eco-friendly products, at a great price. Technicians go through a 49-point checklist before leaving your home, ensuring it’s cleaned to the highest degree, all without a contract.
  4. Molly Maid. In service for more than three decades, Molly Maid is known for thorough cleaning and great customer service. You can choose to do a walk-through with the cleaning technician after they finish, allowing any lingering issues to be addressed immediately.

If you decide to opt for a cleaning service, be sure to shop around to find the best value and cleaning regimen for your home. If not, never fear, your space can still look the part. A daily cleaning schedule and checklist can save you time (and brain space) when tidying your own home. And in a pinch, Febreze PLUG, Air and Fabric options can make any space smell like it’s been cleaned by the pros.

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